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Voorlopige diagnose : inleiding tot een medische ethiek.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9026300700 Year: 1970 Publisher: Bilthoven Ambo

Feminism and Bioethics : Beyond Reproduction
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0195095561 019508568X 9780195095562 9780195085686 1429415541 9781429415545 128052796X 9781280527968 9786610527960 0199759677 Year: 1996 Publisher: Cary, NC, USA Oxford University Press, Incorporated

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Bioethics tackles the most vexing problems in health care and the biological sciences: from reproductive technologies to euthanasia, the AIDS epidemic, mapping the human genome, human subjects research, and health care reform. Yet surprisingly little attention has been paid to the special problems faced by women and to feminist analyses of current health care issues other than reproduction. This breakthrough volume of original essays authored by leading figures in bioethics and feminist theory moves beyond the areas of reproduction and nursing, taking bioethics into new territory. The book starts with an investigation of the relationship between feminism and bioethics and introduces different approaches to the problem. These chapters stress the importance of liberal feminism that prefers feminist over feminine analysis, integrates the experience of women of color, draws from the women's self-help movement, and uses the feminist stand-point theory. In the second part of the book, the authors apply the feminist perspective to different bioethics problems: euthanasia, AIDS, the definition of health, doctor-patient communication, the Human Genome Project, the conduct of biomedical research, and health care reform. They demonstrate the gain and benefit that results when bioethics pays attention to gender and feminism. This volume will change the way bioethicists, students, patients, and the public think about these profoundly challenging problems.


#SBIB:316.346H10 --- #SBIB:17H10 --- Vrouwenproblematiek, feminisme: algemeen --- Ethiek en moraalfilosofie: algemeen --- Bio-ethiek --- Bioethics --- Biologie humaine -- Morale et aspects éthiques --- Biology--Moral and ethical aspects --- Biomedical ethics --- Biomedische ethiek --- Biomédecine -- Morale et aspects éthiques --- Bioéthique --- Deontologie [Medische ] --- Deontology [Medical ] --- Droits des femmes --- Déontologie médicale --- Emancipatie van de vrouw --- Emancipation de la femme --- Emancipation of women --- Ethics [Medical ] --- Ethiek [Feministische ] --- Ethiek [Medische ] --- Ethiek in biologie --- Ethique en biologie --- Ethique féministe --- Ethique médicale --- Feminism --- Feminisme --- Feminist ethics --- Feministische ethiek --- Femmes [Droits des ] --- Femmes--Emancipation --- Féminisme --- Life sciences ethics --- Life sciences--Moral and ethical aspects --- Medical care -- Moral and ethical aspects --- Medical deontology --- Medical ethics --- Medicine -- Moral and ethical aspects --- Medische deontologie --- Medische ethiek --- Morale et médecine --- Morale médicale --- Médecine -- Innovations -- Morale et aspects éthiques --- Médecine -- Morale et aspects éthiques --- Médecine et morale --- Politique sanitaire -- Morale et aspects éthiques --- Rechten van de vrouw --- Rights of women --- Soins médicaux -- Morale et aspects éthiques --- Vrouwen--Emancipatie --- Vrouwenemancipatie --- Vrouwenrechten --- Women's lib --- Women's liberation --- Women's liberation movement --- Women's movement --- Women's rights --- Women--Emancipatie --- Women--Rights of women --- Éthique clinique --- Genetics --- Human medicine --- Sociology of health --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Professional ethics. Deontology --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Infectious diseases. Communicable diseases --- Biology --- General ethics --- Sociology of social care --- Feminist movement --- Women --- Clinical ethics --- Ethics, Medical --- Health care ethics --- Medical care --- Medicine --- Emancipation --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Social movements --- Anti-feminism --- Professional ethics --- Nursing ethics --- Social medicine --- Ethics --- MEDICAL --- Bioethics. --- Women's Rights. --- Woman's Rights --- Women's Status --- Women's Liberation --- Liberation, Women's --- Right, Woman's --- Right, Women's --- Rights, Woman's --- Rights, Women's --- Status, Women's --- Woman Rights --- Woman's Right --- Women Status --- Women's Right --- Human Rights --- Biomedical Ethics --- Health Care Ethics --- Ethics, Biomedical --- Ethics, Health Care --- Ethicists --- Women's Rights --- Euthanasia --- Aids --- Healthcare --- Assistance --- Medical sciences --- Relationship doctor and patient --- Book

Recht en bio-ethiek : wegwijs voor mensen in de gezondheidszorg.
ISBN: 9789020989397 Year: 2010 Publisher: Leuven LannooCampus

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● Heb ik als patiënt alleen rechten of heb ik ook plichten? ● Wie zal mij vergoeden als ik schade lijd in een ziekenhuis? ● Bestaat er een 'recht op een kind'? ● Wie beschermt mijn medische gegevens? ● Zijn artsen verplicht om euthanasie toe te passen? Herman Nys biedt met Recht en bio-ethiek een antwoord op deze vragen waar iedereen - vroeg of laat, rechtstreeks of onrechtstreeks - wel eens mee te maken krijgt. Dit boek is een onmisbaar juridisch overzicht voor patiënt én zorgverlener, voor juristen én niet-juristen. Omdat onze samenleving de kosten van de gezondheidszorg draagt en toekijkt op een rechtvaardige besteding van het beschikbare budget, ontstond door de jaren heen een enorm arsenaal aan juridische regels. Toch blijft de zorg voor de gezondheid uiteindelijk de verantwoordelijkheid van de zorgverlener, de zorgontvanger en het netwerk dat hen steunt en omringt. Wederzijds vertrouwen en respect vormen de basis van de relatie tussen zorgverlener en zorgontvanger. Op enkele lang bestaande uitzonderingen na, zoals het beroepsgeheim, kwam het recht tot in 1985 nauwelijks tussen in deze vertrouwensrelatie. De Wet op de orgaantransplantatie van 1986 was de eerste wettekst die de relatie tussen de zorgverlener en de patiënt ging bepalen. Zonder te vervallen in technische details, geeft Recht en bio-ethiek de niet‑juridisch geschoolde lezer alle noodzakelijke inzichten om, in versterkt vertrouwen, zorg voor de gezondheid te geven en te ontvangen.


bio-ethiek --- recht --- Professional ethics. Deontology --- gezondheidszorg --- Medical law --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Belgium --- Biologie humaine -- Morale et aspects éthiques --- Biomedical ethics --- Biomedische ethiek --- Biomédecine -- Morale et aspects éthiques --- Clinical sciences --- Deontologie [Medische ] --- Deontology [Medical ] --- Droit de la santé publique --- Droit sanitaire --- Déontologie médicale --- Ethics [Medical ] --- Ethiek [Medische ] --- Ethique médicale --- Geneeskunde --- Gezondheidsrecht --- Medical care -- Moral and ethical aspects --- Medical deontology --- Medical ethics --- Medical profession --- Medicine --- Medicine -- Moral and ethical aspects --- Medisch recht --- Medische deontologie --- Medische ethiek --- Morale et médecine --- Morale médicale --- Médecine --- Médecine -- Innovations -- Morale et aspects éthiques --- Médecine -- Morale et aspects éthiques --- Médecine et morale --- Politique sanitaire -- Morale et aspects éthiques --- Public health laws --- Santé publique [Droit de la ] --- Soins médicaux -- Morale et aspects éthiques --- Volksgezondheid--Recht en wetgeving --- Éthique clinique --- Bioethics. --- Ethics, Medical. --- Legislation, Medical. --- Jurisprudence. --- #SBIB:316.334.3M40 --- #SBIB:316.334.3M52 --- #SBIB:340H10 --- Academic collection --- BPB1011 --- Bioéthique --- Droit médical --- Système de santé --- 674 Gezondheidsrecht --- bio-ethiek (medische, biomedische ethiek, bio-ethische aspecten) --- recht (wetgeving, rechtspraak, rechtsbeginselen, juridische aspecten, aansprakelijkheid) --- 601.7 --- beroepsgeheim --- euthanasie --- gezondheidsrecht --- medische ethiek --- orgaandonor --- patiëntenrecht --- Bioethiek --- Bio-ethiek --- ethiek (gez) --- gezondheidsrecht (gez) --- patiëntenrecht (gez) --- 601.4 --- Gezondheidszorg --- Recht --- ethiek --- 103531.jpg --- Patiëntenrecht --- patiënten --- Constitutional Law --- Court Decision --- Law --- Legal Aspects --- Legal Obligations --- Legal Status --- State Interest --- Litigation --- Medical Jurisprudence --- Aspect, Legal --- Aspects, Legal --- Constitutional Laws --- Court Decisions --- Decision, Court --- Decisions, Court --- Interest, State --- Interests, State --- Jurisprudence, Medical --- Law, Constitutional --- Laws --- Laws, Constitutional --- Legal Aspect --- Legal Obligation --- Litigations --- Obligation, Legal --- Obligations, Legal --- State Interests --- Status, Legal --- Defamation --- Lawyers --- Medical Legislation --- Medical Ethics --- Professionalism --- Bioethics --- Biomedical Ethics --- Health Care Ethics --- Ethics, Biomedical --- Ethics, Health Care --- Ethics, Medical --- Ethicists --- Medische sociologie: zorgenverstrekkers, relatie met hulpvragers --- Medische sociologie: professionele aspecten van de hulpverlening --- Sociaal recht, algemeen --- Gezondheidszorgstelsel --- bioéthique (éthique médicale, biomédicale, aspects bioéthiques) --- droit (aspects juridiques, législation, jurisprudence, principes de droit, responsabilité) --- 179.7 --- 362.11 --- 34 --- legislation & jurisprudence --- ethics --- Legislation, Medical --- Jurisprudence --- departement Gezondheidszorg 10 --- βιοηθική --- bijoetika --- bioética --- bioetica --- bioētika --- bio-ethics --- bioeetika --- биоетика --- bioetyka --- bioetiikka --- bioetică --- bioetik --- Bioethik --- bioetika --- lääkärin etiikka --- κώδικας ιατρικής ηθικής --- etică medicală --- etica medica --- медицинска етика --- ética médica --- medical ethics --- bioëthiek --- arstieetika --- medizinische Ethik --- medicīniskā ētika --- orvosi etika --- éthique médicale --- medicinos etika --- etikë mjekësore --- medicinska etika --- meditsiinieetika --- medicinsk etik --- terveydenhoitojärjestelmä --- σύστημα υγείας --- veselības aprūpes sistēma --- egészségügyi rendszer --- zdravotní systém --- systém zdravotnej starostlivosti --- sveikatos priežiūros sistema --- gezondheidszorgstelsel --- систем здравствене заштите --- sistema sanitario --- sistem zdravstvenega varstva --- sustav zdravstvene skrbi --- sistemi i kujdesit shëndetësor --- sistem pentru îngrijirea sănătății --- tervishoiusüsteem --- систем за здравствена заштита --- sistema tal-kura tas-saħħa --- sistema de saúde --- vårdsystem --- Gesundheitssystem --- system ochrony zdrowia --- sundhedsordning --- health care system --- здравна система --- терцијарна здравствена заштита --- здравствен систем --- систем за здравство --- секундарна здравствена заштита --- организација на здравствената заштита --- системот на примарно здравство --- систем на секундарно здравство --- систем на терцијарно здравство --- sistema de sanidad --- diritto sanitario --- право в областта на здравеопазването --- medicinsko pravo --- medisch recht --- medicinos teisė --- Derecho médico --- orvosi jog --- ιατρικό δίκαιο --- drept medical --- Medizinrecht --- lékařské právo --- medical law --- prawo ochrony zdrowia --- liġi medika --- medicīniskās tiesības --- medicinsk rätt --- medicinsk jura --- meditsiiniõigus --- lääketieteellinen lainsäädäntö --- direito médico --- e drejtë mjekësore --- медицинско право --- lekárske právo --- législation médicale --- lékařské zákony --- законодавство од областа на медицината --- Arztrecht --- Derecho sanitario --- lékařská legislativa --- Ärzterecht --- lékařskoprávní legislativa --- Provincie West-Vlaanderen --- bitheitic --- córas cúraim sláinte --- dlí leighis --- Système de santé --- Bioéthique --- Droit médical

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